I have tried many ways to program LPC54018 external QSPI flash, but it failed, where has detailed document to describe how to connect and how to run application to program LPC54018?
1. I use SEGGER J-Flash Lite via Jlink to program LPC54018, this software only recongnize .hex file, it can pass all steps with "done" result, but read Memory with J-Flash, it's show QSPI flash is empty, and board cannot bootup. If I use .bin file to program, J-Flash Lite shows "download failed", which cannot work.
2. I press ISP0/SW4 and reboot to enter UART boot mode, and connect UART0 with 3 wire USB-TTL serial cable. FlashMagic can not work, show "autobaud failed".
3. I press ISP1(SW3) and ISP2(SW2) and reboot to enter USB1 boot mode, and connect USB1 to PC. Windows7 can find this LPC USB device, but it has no working driver, where can find this device driver? what's application will be used in this program mode.
Thank you in advance!
Are you using a NXP board or a custom board?
Could you please try using MCUXpresso IDE?, I want to isolate the issue,
In addition I would also recommend unselecting the 'Pull ISP reset' feature found at 'Windows -> Properties -> MCUXpresso IDE -> LinkServer Options'
But issue is not fixed. I cannot let factory to install MCXpressoIDE to programme board, I need simple program solution for factory, thank you!
I am using NXP LPC54S018-EVK revF board.
Today I used MCUXpresso IDE 10.3.1 to install LPC54018 SDK 2.5.0. Example code can be compiled and debuged with Jlink or on-board CMSIS-OpenSDA. Also this board can be programmed via Jlink or CMSIS-OpenSDA.
Thank you!