Content originally posted in LPCWare by GTA on Wed Aug 07 01:47:49 MST 2013
Hello lpcxpresso-support,
and thanks for your prompt and thorough answer, very helpful!
Quote: lpcxpresso-support
...When you debug the M0, you have to have set the M4 off running first, and then do an attach only connection to the M0...
I actually thought about this a bit when I read the "LPC43xx Cortex-M4 / M0 Multicore Applications" page on the CodeRed Wiki. In its debug section it is stated:
"...Having connected to the M4, close down the debug session. Now launch a debug session for the **M0** project..."
I interpreted this as M4 debug session terminate, but it should be debug session disconnect instead? I don't have my projects at hand now, but as it actually works to connect to the M0 even if I terminate the M4 debug session first, it seems the M4 continues to run after debug session termination, or that the debugger actually can connect to the M0 even if the M4 is not running. (I use all default launch config debug settings).