Content originally posted in LPCWare by hetech on Mon Dec 09 17:59:20 MST 2013
I am trying to create a project for the M4 core in a LPC4337, for internal flash.
I create a project using the wizard, in LPCxpresso 6.1.2
Using CMSISv2p10_LPC43xx etc
All I want to do is make ANY io line go low. Nothing happens.
I also tried simply turning on the external crystal oscillator - Nothing happens.
LPC_CGU->XTAL_OSC_CTRL = 0b00000001;// EXT 12MHz Xtal
The code does not appear to excecute.
I download the .hex with Flash Magic 7.37.3076, into Bank 0, and with Activate Flash Bank ticked.
The .hex must be valid, as the MCU will not reprogram unless ISP pin is low during reset.