We are using the usbd_lib_cdc_uart code in debug mode on the OM13085 board. We are trying to get it to communicate with a serial terminal program called screen.
The device works perfectly fine on an Apple MAC:
It also shows up on the ls command and we have given the OS permission to access the serial port as well:
However, when we try to access the device using screen we don't get any output:
We also tried using /screen/ttyACM0 command but that also did not work:
We tried Putty terminal as well but somehow putty cannot connect to the device either.
Please advice if we are missing something.
Hello Neel,
Does the device shows up using the "dmesg" command?
Hello Aldo,
Yes it does show up in the dmesg command.
See attached screenshot
Could you upload your screenshot again, please?
sometimes is not correctly uploaded and it wont show up.
Thank you,
Here you go.
I looked into your issue and as per in the readme in the project, this example runs at windows, with some drivers needed, and OSx (MAC) doesn't need them, that makes me think that some drivers may be needed for this example to run at ubuntu, I'll investigate and report back.
Dear Aldo,
Did you get a chance to check in on this request? Unfortunately we don't have the liberty of time now.
Please provide us an update as soon as possible.
Hello Neel,
Sorry for my delay,
Unfortunately I did find that for Linux no driver is needed,
As for the driver specified in the readme it is only required if running in a windows 7 PC,
So for Linux it shouldn't have any issue, I'll do some test and report back.
Hi Aldo,
If there is no driver required for Linux I don't understand why the LPC1769 and the Linux PC will not communicate.
Please advice.
Make sure you are connecting the the correct device (/dev/ttyACM...). There could be more than one device with a similar name. Too check:
Disconnect your device
ls /dev/ttyACM*
connect your device and load and start your code
ls /dev/ttyACM*
and look to see which new device(s) have appeared.
If you notice the output of the ‘dmesg’ command you will see there is only one device on ACM which is the ACM0.
So there is no question of connecting to a different device.
Sounds good Aldo.
We are trying something from our end as well. Do let me know what you can find.