Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcware_user on Tue Mar 04 07:18:34 MST 2014
hi there,
we want to use a LPC11U24 mcu. The controller looks fine but i missed a detail. I have made good experience with
the LPCUSBlib (running on LPC1833) and the hardware is working fine. For the LPC11U24 i want to know if it's
possible to generate a zero packet for an IN endpoint ?
I want to transfer 128 bytes to the host but the buffer must be "closed" using a zero packet. I can call
DcdDataTransfer() to prime the data for transmission. Either 128 bytes at all, or using two steps with 64 bytes each.
But can i call DcdDataTransfer() with length = 0 ?? Is the USB hardware generating a zero packet ?