Content originally posted in LPCWare by karl__34 on Mon Jun 13 16:42:01 MST 2016
I am currently working with the LPC11U24 on the NTAG I2C Plus board and finding that even with the following configuration in the demo code:
LPC_SYSCTL->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<15); // enable clock to WDT block
Chip_Clock_SetWDTOSC(WDTLFO_OSC_4_60, 2);
LPC_WWDT->CLKSEL |= (1<<0); // select watchdog oscillator
That the board (without LCD attached) is consuming ~1.4-1.6mA.
Is there an active mode configuration for this board and microcontroller that can result in something in the region of 0.5mA?