I've trouble finding LPCOpen for LPC11A14. Following advice from this topic:
I've tried lpcopen_v2_03_lpcxpresso_nxp_lpcxpresso_11u37h which has set of defines for selecting LPC11AXX in sys_config.h. Unfortunately if i try to use CHIP_LPC11AXX instead of CHIP_LPC11UXX I get missing files errors:
- cmsis_11axx.h
- acmp_11xx.h
- dac_11xx.h
I've searched for "CHIP_LPC11AXX" in the project and found numerous ifdefs that modify LPC Open functions for various peripherals. So I assume that the macro is important.
I've found legacy support in MCUXpresso installation: ..\ide\Examples\Legacy\NXP\LPC1000\LPC11Axx
which contains file named LPC11Axx.h which is somewhat similar in its content to cmisis_11uxx.h from the lpcopen_v2_03_lpcxpresso_nxp_lpcxpresso_11u37h.
I'm missing something? Am I suppose to marge the two in someway? Or is there a LPCOpen for LPC11Axx family that I'm unable to find?
Hi Allice,
yes, I would like to have complete library for the mcu.
I've used LPC11Axx.h to "create" missing cmsis_11axx.h. What worries my is that I had to use "#define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE" macro to build the project. It all feels extremely flimsy and makeshift.
According to the product page, LPC11Axx family is supported by LPC Open. Is there a dedicated version of the LPC Open for LPC11Axx family or not?
1) What worries my is that I had to use "#define ENABLE_UNTESTED_CODE" macro to build the project.
->> What do you meaning about this definition?
You can see there is a legacy folder under IDE, it includes lpc11Axx.h :
2) According to the product page, LPC11Axx family is supported by LPC Open. Is there a dedicated version of the LPC Open for LPC11Axx family or not?
->> Sorry no.
Sorry there isn't a LPCOpen for LPC11Axx family .
"LPC11Axx.h which is somewhat similar in its content to cmisis_11uxx.h "
->> Yes, you can use LPC11Axx.h instead of cmsis_11uxx.h.
About other two files "- acmp_11xx.h - dac_11xx.h", do you need ACMP and DAC component, if yes, you can tell me, I send to you. If no, just comment them.