Where can I find the Keil code bunde for LPC13xx µCs?
I have downloaded it for a couple of years.
However, I could find it anymore.
For the LPC17XX it is still available:
Thanks for your advice.
But, I looking for the old code bundle and not for the LPCopen lib.
It was such a good and self-explanatory code summary for all hardware components.
I don’t like LPCopen and it confuses me.
Hello kais
Unfortunately we don’t have that code bundle. You may want to take a look to this https://www.keil.com/dd2/pack/#/eula-container
Also in a product page you can find this file "Sample Code Bundle for LPC1315/16/17/45/46/47 Peripheral Using KEIL'S MDK-ARM" https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/general-purpose-mc...
I apology for the inconvenience this may cause, please let me know if these files are helpful.
Best Regards,
Hello kais
You can find a code bundle in the LPCOpen for LPC13xx https://www.nxp.com/design/microcontrollers-developer-resources/lpcopen-libraries-and-examples/lpcop...
Let me know if this is helpful, if you have more questions do not hesitate to ask me.