I've come across an old board with the LPC9361 which I need to re-program. The interface available is ICP but I am not sure which programmer I need. All online searches point to the FDI USB-ICP-LPC9xx but this has long been obsolete. Is there any current programmer that can do ICP programming on the LPC9361 ?
Note: removing the chip from the board is not an option and only the ICP interface is available.
Hello, I am hoping someone can tell me where I can find the actual ICP algorithm for the P89LPC901. I see there are some devices, like from Flash Magic, however. I wish to design/build my own programmer. I am interested in ICP programming at this point, NOT IAP. Thank you.
It seems to be obsolete as well.
Is there any documentation about the NXP ICP protocol ?
I'm not familiar with LPC microcontrollers but well experienced with other brands, I'm finding it strange that there seems to be no legacy ICP tool from NXP, was there any?
I have an old backlog about ICP on my disk. see attached. Hope this will help you.
Have a nice day
Jun Zhang
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I suggest you check if ic1000 is available for sale.
Besides, you can also consult:
Advin SpeedPro series
BPM various programmers
CooCox CoFlash
Data I/O various programmers
Elnec various programmers
ESAcademy FlashMagic ISP SW
Hi-Lo Systems ALL-100
Leap Leaper / SU / AH
Phyton ChipProg series
pls UDE MemTool
Raisonance RFlasher7
SMH Technologies FlashRunner for LPC
Xeltek SuperPro series
ZLG SmartPRO / EasyPRO
Have a great day,
Jun Zhang
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