hello guys,
I'm currently working on a project in LPC4357-evb multicore board using FreeRTOS. Does anyone have any idea about how to allocate tasks to the different cores and schedule with FreeRTOS?? I didnt find any tutorial for programming to the multiple cores. Looking forward for some help.
Multicore scheduling is not officially supported, unless something changed recently we're not aware of. Richard Barry posted this link to a Masters' thesis by James Mistry some years ago FreeRTOS Multicore – FreeRTOS Interactive . We don't know if it's suitable or relevant nearly 7 years later. For information only.
Thanks and regards,
MCUXpresso Support
Its not possible.
1. FreeRTOS is not a multi-core OS
2. The cores on LPC4357 are different - one is a Cortex-M4 and the other is a Cortex-M0. Whilst an 'M4 can execute code for the 'M0, the 'M0 cannot run 'M4 code.
How can M4 execute code on M4?? Im using MCUXpresso and Lpcopen libraries.