Content originally posted in LPCWare by 1234567890 on Sat Nov 01 06:21:03 MST 2014
Quote: NXP_Paul
Fig. 4: Not sure what you mean by this comment, since the AN looks correct:
LPC_SCT->OUT[0].CLR = (1 << 1); // event 1 will clear SCT_OUT0
Well, I assumed that, if there is a *.SET and a *.CLR command, that the same bit position is used. Only SET and CLR differ; using SET will set the bit and CLR will clear the bit.
But now I see that there are different events and so the example differs from e.g. Fig 8, where the conflict resolution register is used. So it seems to be a complete different story and the the functionality of this register is not as assumed (by me).
Obviously there is no alternative to read the relating chapter in the UM (surprise, surprise)...