Content originally posted in LPCWare by khfreiberg on Tue Dec 03 10:53:15 MST 2013
I have this Excel sheet. I tested at lower clock speed and the behavior changed. I still have this jump in address. I am filling the RAM with up-counting values, and read it back immediately after filling. That works fine. But when I read it back later on using an USB interface or even a RAM window in uVision I see this jump of 4 bit back in address. Thanks for the mode set up. What's still confusing me is 'LPC_EMC->DYNAMICREFRESH'. When I read the manual I should use '7.8us * 204MHz/2 / 16(+1) cycl'. But in examples I see two programmings where the second call deals with '15625'. I have no clue where this number is coming from. Additionally, I do not see how examples matches the initialization procedure in the RAM data sheet. It talks about two 'AUTO REFRESH' cycles. I assume this is the 'PALL' command. I see only one. But I see multiple NOP commands. What are they doing? This is the magic I mean ;-))