MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!

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MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!

MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!

MCUXpresso Config Tools is now available!

You can access it on the following link: Welcome to MCUXpresso | MCUXpresso Config Tools 



MCUXpresso Config Tools provides a set of system configuration tools that help users of all levels with a Kinetis or LPC-based MCU solution. Let it be your guide from first evaluation to production development.

High Quality, Comprehensive Enablement
- Production-grade, rigorously tested software and tools.
- Easy-to-use SDK, IDE and configuration tools.

Compatibility Across MCUs
- Supports Kinetis, LPC Cortex-M.
- Easy migration and scalability between MCUs.

Note: i.MX Cortex-M device support coming in 2017

Interoperability Across Tools
- Common experience and broader support through fewer, more cohesive software and tools.
- Seamless development using SDK, IDE and Config tools together.
- SDK and configuration tools also support the large ecosystem of NXP’s partner IDEs.


- CMSIS-CORE compatible
- Single driver for each peripheral
- Transactional APIs w/ optional DMA support

for communication peripherals

Integrated RTOS
- FreeRTOS, µC/OS-II & -III
- RTOS-native driver wrappers

Integrated Stacks and Middleware
- USB Host, Device and OTG
- lwIP, FatFS
- Crypto acceleration plus wolfSSL & mbedTLS
- SD and eMMC card support

Reference Software
- Peripheral driver usage examples
- Application demos
- FreeRTOS usage demos

- BSD 3-clause for startup, drivers, USB stack

- IAR®, ARM® Keil®, GCC w/ Cmake
- + MCUXpresso IDE

- Production-grade software
- MISRA 2004 compliance
- Checked with Coverity® static analysis tools

Configuration and development tools.



  • SDK Builder packages custom SDKs based on user selections of MCU, evaluation board, and optional software components.
  • Pins, Clocks, and Peripheral(1) tools generate initialization C code for custom board support.
  • Project Generator(1) creates new SDK projects  or clones existing ones.
  • Power Estimation tool provides energy and battery-life estimates based on a user’s application model
  • Power Analyzer(1) measures and displays energy consumption data.
    (1)Coming 2017

Related links:

Introducing MCUXpresso SDK v.2 for LPC54xxx Series 

Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package 

How to start with SDK v.2.0 for LPC5411x using LPCXpresso IDE 


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‎11-18-2016 02:34 PM