MCUXpresso SDK for LPC55xx uses FLASH API to implement FLASH drivers. Some user may meet issue when executes FLASH program code, for instance:
status = FLASH_Program(&flashInstance, destAdrss, (uint8_t *)s_bufferFF, 8);
After execution this code, nothing changed in the destination address, but error code 101 returns:
This error code looks new, as it doesn’t commonly exist in other older LPCs. If we check FLASH driver status code from UM, code 101 means FLASH_Alignment Error:
Alignment error Ah ha? ! Go back to the definition of FLASH_Program,
status_t FLASH_Program(flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes);
New user often overlooks the UM description of this API “the required start and the lengthInBytes must be page size aligned”. That’s to say, to execute FLASH_Program function, both start address and the length must be 512 bytes-aligned. So if we modify
status = FLASH_Program(&flashInstance, destAdrss, (uint8_t *)s_bufferFF, 8);
status = FLASH_Program(&flashInstance, destAdrss, (uint8_t *)s_bufferFF, 512);
FLASH_Program can be successful.
!!NOTE: In old version of SDK2.6.x, the description of FLASH_Program says the start address and length are word-aligned which is not correct. The new SDK2.7.0 has fixed the typo.
Keep in mind: Even you want to program 1 word, the lengInBytes is still 512 aligned, as same as destAdrss!
I always recommend my customer to check FLASH driver status code when meet problem with FLASH API. We can find it in UM11126, Chapter 9, FLASH API.
I extract here for your quickly browse:
Happy Programming