Line scan camera with KSDK [ADC + PIT + GPIO]

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Line scan camera with KSDK [ADC + PIT + GPIO]

Line scan camera with KSDK [ADC + PIT + GPIO]

Hello community,


This document shows the ease of use of the peripheral drivers from Kinetis SDK applied to the Freescale Cup smart car. This time I bring to you a document which explains how to make the line scan camera with KSDK works step-by-step. This document is intended to be an example for the ADC, the PIT and the GPIO peripheral drivers usage.


The required material to run this project is:


This material can be bought in The Freescale Cup Intelligent Car Development.


45555_45555.pngpastedImage_0.png     45556_45556.pngpastedImage_1.png   


The document Create a new KSDK 1.2.0 project in KDS 3.0.0 explains how to create a new KSDK project for the KL25Z MCU. The result of this document is the project BM-KSDK-FRDM_KL25Z.

The document Line scan camera with KSDK [ADC + PIT + GPIO] explains how to implement an application to acquire the data provided by the line scan camera. The result of this document is the project BM-KSDK-FRDM_KL25Z-LINE_SCAN_CAMERA.


The video below shows the line scan camera working.



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Best regards,

Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez

Technical Support Engineer

Freescale Semiconductor

Labels (1)

Hey Earl, 

When I import the project to KDS, the header files  "fsl_clock_manager.h" and  <stdio.h> are not in the project.  Is this a fault on my end? 



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Version history
Last update:
‎06-30-2015 02:20 PM
Updated by: