I am trying to add USB virtual com port to a custom board using the MK66FX controller. I have searched the forum and internet, but have not succeeded in finding any good instructions on how to do this. There are a lot of information about usb on Kinetic, but most seems to be for evaluation boards or older versions of the SDK no longer supported.
I am using:
MQX Standard
For the moment my project contains the following USB related components:
This compiles and runs, but not surprisingly nothing exciting happening.
There is obviously missing a lot to complete the CDC virtual com function, but I am a little stuck and hope that someone can point me in the right direction to go from here, or maybe I have already started out the wrong way?
Hi Olav Birkeland,
The latest ksdk 2.0 support FRDM-K66F , so maybe you can use it as a starting point for your custom board.
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Have a look here, it may give you some tips.
Thanks this was exactly what I was looking for.
However, it still does not work.
When I try to add the fsl_debug_console to my project, I get the following error from PE:
“Common using “fsl_debug_console” and “MQX Standart” RTOS version components is not allowed. “MQX Standard” RTOS component contains own serial “nio” debug console driver”
Is it not possible to have use fsl_debug_console when running MQX standard?
Hi Olav,
Standard MQX does has its own printf/scanf/etc.. functions and does not work with debug_console component.