I am working with KDS 3.2.0 and KDSK 1.2.0. I am using MK60DN512VMD10.
I am using J-link PRO to debug the KDS project. In debug config I can see the project under GDB Segger J-link Debugging option. Below is my debugger screen.
When I am debugging project I got error like
Error in services launch sequence
Starting J-Link GDB Server timed out.
I prefer "Error in services launch sequence Starting J-Link GDB Server timed out." - Debugging using Kinetic ... too but in this case this error is coming sometimes and in my case only this error is coming.I am unable to debug.
I also tries to increase timeout by writing -singlerun -strict -timeout100 nogui into Other Option but still error persist.
I can see J-link drive in USB device too.
Sometimes I got the message like
Note: I am using J-Link flash v6.14c to download code.
How can I solve this?
Utsavi Bharuchwala
Hi Utsavi,
your launch/debug configuration looks ok. But it could be that somehow the Segger J-Link debug probe firmware (on the probe) is not workign properly. I would try to connect and check the probe with the segger tools, e.g. JLinkConfig.exe
And maybe run the JLinkDLLUpdater again to make sure the DLLs are upated.
And if everything fails, try to reboot your host machine.
I hope this helps,
PS: I'm using Segger version V6.14b (I have not moved to the c version yet).
Hi Erich,
I solved my problem. When I press debug I getting some firmware updation message. Every time I was pressing Yes and debugging failure message is coming.
Once I pressed No to Firmware Updation message debug starts....:smileygrin:
The same message is coming in J-Flash too. Can you tell me why this message is coming? Not a single time but every time when I press debug it is coming.
Can you tell me what is that message indicating?
Utsavi Bharuchwala