On my KL27Z, I have configured LPTMR0 to source its clock from kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0 (which is MCGIRCLK, right?) like this:
lptmr_config_t lptmrConfig;
lptmrConfig.prescalerClockSource = kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0; // MCGIRCLK?
LPTMR_Init(LPTMR0, &lptmrConfig);
What is the correct way to find its frequency? I could do something like this:
uint64_t clock_freq_in_hz = CLOCK_GetFreq(kCLOCK_McgInternalRefClk);
... but I'm not sure that kCLOCK_McgInternalRefClk is the right constant (though empirically it appears to be correct). Is there a more dependable way to get the LPTMR's clock frequency, perhaps one that uses the actual state of its configuration registers?
This is the LPTME clock source from the 5.7.5 LPTMR clocking in RM of Kl27:
Hope it can help you
void LPTMR_Init(LPTMR_Type *base, const lptmr_config_t *config)
/* Ungate the LPTMR clock*/
/* Configure the timers operation mode and input pin setup */
base->CSR = (LPTMR_CSR_TMS(config->timerMode) | LPTMR_CSR_TFC(config->enableFreeRunning) |
LPTMR_CSR_TPP(config->pinPolarity) | LPTMR_CSR_TPS(config->pinSelect));
/* Configure the prescale value and clock source */
base->PSR = (LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(config->value) | LPTMR_PSR_PBYP(config->bypassPrescaler) |
lptmrConfig.prescalerClockSource is used to write PCS bits in LPTMRx_PSR register.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
I understand the hardware that generates the clock signals. What I don't understand is what compiler constants correspond to those signals.
For example, in figure 5-5 that you show above, which signal corresponds to kCLOCK_McgInternalRefClk? And does kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0 correspond to MCGIRCLK in that diagram? (I agree that the _0 suffix suggests that it's the mux 00 input, but I'm not sure.) Is lptmrConfig.prescalerClockSource responsible for setting the LPTMRx_PSR[PCS] source?
The relationship between these constants and the register settings must be documented somewhere, or is that "documentation" the source code itself?