Will openSDA be available for Mac? I have KDS installed and configured to use openSDA; only thing I'm missing now is the openSDA binaries for Mac so the port gets created and I can use it.
I tried to manually build openSDA2 from its sources; however, it's setup to use the the Keil IDE, which is not free and I only saw a Windows version of it.
Is support for that coming? Or is it already here and I can't find it?
Hi Tamer,
keep in mind that not all devices are supported in OpenSDA.
But there is a OpenSDA binary build available for Mac OS X here: The GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD | GNU ARM Eclipse
I have not tried it myself, but I expect that this one will work for you.
I hope this helps,
Hi Erich,
The hardware that I have uses OpenSDA for debugging. It's a dev board and has that built-in. I will probably get a j-link for the real board, but I need to get it going with the dev board first.
Thanks and best regards,