Hi i am trying to make multiple endpoints using the sample code of usb hid mouse mqx k20 but only one endpoint is sending data to pc other endpoint does not initialize. i made 2 interfaces each with one endpoint and used these commands to initialize two different hid devices
g_mouse2.app_handle = USB_Class_HID_Init(&config_struct2);
g_mouse.app_handle = USB_Class_HID_Init(&config_struct);
The HID Mouse example of MQX doesn’t include the descriptors for supporting OUT endpoints. It is required to add this support, and modify the Device and Interface descriptors, besides of adding the related Endpoint descriptors. On the following thread you will find an implementation of a Generic HID device based on the bare-metal Freescale USB Stack and a S08JS16 device. The low level implementation is almost the same for MQX and K20, so you could use it as reference:
Hope this will be useful for you.
Best regards!