I'm trying to upload demo apps on my FRDM-K82f board. The default bootloader was of mbed, in which I was able to drag and drop the files to program. After that I uploaded OpenSDA bootloader v2.1 on the board. I've followed the steps mentioned in user guide and can successfully run demo apps using GDBServer method. But when I try to drag and drop files now, the board doesn't program.
Also is there any utility to program the board using command line or if you can mention the commands that can be used for programming through JLinkExe that'd be great. I am using SDK with GCC on Linux.
Thanks in advance for help :smileyhappy:
The bootloader itself does not have target device programming (except the K20). Have a look at the latest Segger firmware which includes virtual MSD and programming: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/06/19/segger-opensda-firmware-with-virtual-msd/
And here is a simple script how to program a device: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/06/26/how-to-recover-the-opensda-v2-x-bootloader/
I hope this helps,
Thanks for the reply.
About the first link, when I copy the file to the drive, nothing seems to happen. I've tried .hex files.
About the second link, JLink looks like a good way to go, I'll try that.
The problem that I've mentioned below has been resolved. It was just the wrong pin_mux files in my project. But the first problem remains.
Also I've installed KDS setup wizard addon to Eclipse, I'm able to build the project but when I try to debug, debugger runs but the code is not running on the board. Is there any setting that I need to change in the debug configurations. My current configuration is attached.
Your settings look ok.
After your edit, I'm not sure what your problem is?
The problem is that drag n drop still doesn't work.