We are using Kinetis, KExx series. (for the first time)
we would like to get some help about boot loading, we want to update our app, throw UART(external update)
Where do we begin ?
Is there any ready modul that we can import or we should make it ?
what about windows app that sends data to be updated?
what kind of file do we need to create ?
KE UART loaders are available at:
KBOOT (using NXPs PC utility), SREC or iHex (using any terminal emulator) or AN2295 developer's loader mode (using NXP utility).
Builds with KDS, CW, IAR, Keil, Atollic, Rowley, Green Hills, CooCox, GCC standalone, VisualStudio.
Same code runs on all KE parts (or KL, KEA, KL, KV, K parts) in all IDEs so no porting required; industrially proven in many mature products so no additional development effort remaining.
Documentation: http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerSerialLoader.PDF
Hi Alon,
The KE0x devices do not have a boot ROM.
The Freedom Board product page for KE0x has a Document tab that leads to appnotes of which one is for serial bootloader:
Hi David,
thank you for your quick reply,
I saw the attached files, but there is no project to import to KDS, is there any ready to use example ? or we should to add this file after file.
we also saw hat there is a InitFLASH Componnent that generates function to erase/get/set etc
when we build our project its creates *.elf and *.srec is there any way to write it to flash with InitFLASH Componnent?
*.elf is much bigger than our flash.
tnx again.