After USB reset and first descriptor exchange DFN8 error is generated by the USB controller (device mode).
Error is observed on both USB Stack and K20 Freedom board USB CDC code.
Any hint on this issue? Working CDC code or recommendations on workarounds are highly appreciated.
First of all, mcuoneclipse is amazing and CDC driver is very cool. Unfortunately didn't help in my case, so I suspect a hardware problem - either in chip or layout (however layout is trivial)...:smileysad:
Hi Maxim,
Have you tested the CDC example that Erich Styger sent you, but using a FRDM-K20D50M board?
I just tested it and it worked properly. If you are getting troubles with your custom hardware, have you ensured if you are using the same crystal value than FRDM-K20D50M board (8 MHz), in order to have a valid clock initialization?
Hope this will be useful for you.
Best regards!
Thank you - I checked USB clock as a very first step, on USB data lines - it all correct. So only HW options left.
Hello Maxim,
was this example useful? Please keep us posted, we'd like to know :smileywink: