There is an USB_device project example for K40 development kit, which is included in the KINETIS512_SC folder
Has anybody tried and used the the example successfully?
I can't get it to work since the enumeration process doesn't get finished and eventually issues the message "USB Device Not Recognized"
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Make sure you point it to the driver located in the project directory: \kinetis-sc\src\projects\USB_device
Also look at the readme.txt to make sure the TWR-SER is setup properly. I was able to confirm it working on my TWR-K40
I am personally having trouble in this realm under MQX and going thru Hubs -- it doesn't appear that MQX cycles thru all the ports, just the first 'active'.
Also, note that the CDC examples ONLY work with 'standard' protocol-type devices (2) -- anything that returns 'vendor specific' will be ignored.
Hi everyone,
If you would like to try, we have an USB CDC working demo for KwikStik kit, which is a K40 development kit.
The link to download is:
This demo has SD card access with FAT16/32 file system and a terminal trough USB CDC class.
Best regards,
You should better to use MQX if RTOS is needed, otherwise use USB Bare metal stack at http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MEDICALUSB
Don't use the Kinetis_sc code, it is for validation purpose only. It is not well written.