In the "TWRLCDSCH.pdf", the RD pin (connector J2-pin33) is connected 3V3 via R18 resistor. I believe this will stop the K60 MCU reading the LCD.
the WR pin (connector J2-pin34) is connected to K60 MCU FB_WR, the MCU can write to the LCD.
My question is if I want to read and write the LCD, the LCD RD pin (connector J2-pin33) should connect to which pin of K60 MCU?
Hi Sam,
With the TWR-K60 and TWR-LCD hardware you can actually write and read the LCD data. You don't need any modification in hardware to read the TWR-LCD content using FlexBus.
Best Regards,
Luis Casado schrieb:
With the TWR-K60 and TWR-LCD hardware you can actually write and read the LCD data. You don't need any modification in hardware to read the TWR-LCD content using FlexBus.
Is this also true for TWR-K70?
I tried to read the LCD content with the eGUI (D4D) function for FlexBus and MQX:
static unsigned short D4DLCDHW_ReadDataWord_Mqx(void)
return *((unsigned short*)BSP_EXTERNAL_LCD_BASE);
But this always returns zero, no matter what I have on the screen.
Check the wait states in the CS configuration for reading. The eGUI doesn't modify them, as eGUi is not reading the display at all.
Thank you Luis for the hint! You led me on the right track!
With the help of AN4393, page 16 bottom I was able to modify the FlexBus configuration to read from TWR-LCD.
The FB_CLK is set to 40MHz in MQX, therefore I have 25ns for each cycle and at least 4 cycles are needed for each write/read cycle. According to the SSD1289 datasheet a write cycle needs at least 100ns, which is fine without wait state.
But the read cycle needs 1000ns. Therefore I added (1000ns - 4*25ns) / 25ns = 36 wait states.
In init_hw.c i modified the function _bsp_flexbus_lcd_setup:
fb_ptr->CS[0].CSCR = FB_CSCR_BLS_MASK |
FB_CSCR_WS(36) |
There also is an error in eGUI (v3 beta) read FlexBus MQX function:
static unsigned short D4DLCDHW_ReadDataWord_Mqx(void)
return *((unsigned short*)BSP_EXTERNAL_LCD_BASE;
should be:
static unsigned short D4DLCDHW_ReadDataWord_Mqx(void)
return *((unsigned short*)BSP_EXTERNAL_LCD_DC);
With these changes reading works fine and I can use the eGUI function D4D_PrintScreenToBMP to take screenshots from the LCD and write them to the attached USB device.
Hi Sam, you refer to "read" the information being displayed in the screen or reading the touch screen data through the 4 wire interface?