i'm using K20 TSI with TSS Ver 3.1 without OS. Before the mainloop the application is calling TSS1_Configure(), but it returns with error code TSS_ERROR_CONFSYS_HWRECALIB_PENDING which is caused by the following line:
/* Configures System SystemConfig Register */
u8Result |= TSS_SetSystemConfig(System_SystemConfig_Register, TSS_SYSTEM_EN_MASK | TSS_DC_TRACKER_EN_MASK);
Looking at TSSAPIRM show me the meaning:
The configuration is not successful because the hardware recalibration is in progress.
In my TSS configuration the option "Automatic HW Recalibration" under "Code size reduction" is activated. If i disable this option, the problem disappear.
How can i avoid this error?
HI Stefan
I am little bit confuse, if you disable the "Code size reduction" the problem disappear?
This can be due the code size reduction only set the minimum part of the library and also reduced the code, so probably this is not enable some function used on the HW recalibration.
Are you using processor expert to generate your code?
also you can check tha sample code that is instal on the TSS folde, normally is on the following folder
I hope this will help you.
Have a great day,
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Hi Vicente,
i updated my KDS to 3.0 and PE to 3.0.1. After that i took your example and changed the CPU package according to my TWR board.
But finally the problem is still reproducable (screenshot attached):
The result of TSS_Configure returns with error code 0x0b (= TSS_ERROR_CONFSYS_HWRECALIB_PENDING).
Expected behavior:
The result of TSS_Configure returns with error code 0x00.
Hi Stefan
I am checking this behavior, please give me some time.
Hi Vicente,
are you able to reproduce it? Any suggestions to fix?
Hi Stefan
yes, I reproduced your problem, and I believe that the error is due the recalibration is perform until we call the TSS_Task, but I am waiting for the confirmation from the apps.
If you continues running the code it work properly, well this is my case using the K60
Once I have the confirmation I will let you know.
Have a good day.
Hi Stefan
I am still working with the developer, please give me more time.
Hi Vicente,
what's the current status about the issue?
Hi Stefan
I do not have any update.
Okay, i looked at the sample code, but it ignores the result code of TSS_SetSystemConfig() complete.
if you disable the "Code size reduction" the problem disappear?
To be more precise if i disable the option "Automatic HW Recalibration" the problem disappear. But it's obvious because the error is caused by the recalibration. I only want to mention that.
Are you using processor expert to generate your code?
Yes, the processor expert from KDS. My whole problem description refers to KDS.
I will take a look at the sample code, if i'm back in office. But it seems to refers to CodeWarrior not KDS, isn't it?