Hi All,
I try to enable the low power mode and measure the current on MK60FN1M0VLQ12 using CW10.4.
I set MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER to 1 in user_config.h and rebuild the bsp and psp. When I try to open the "ittya:", it failed.
Then I change MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER back to 0 and try the same code to open the "ittya:". This time it works.
Does the MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER disable the "ittya:" or conflict with "ittya:"?
Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Daniel,
This is due to the UART driver settings for the LPM. The file \Freescale_MQX_4_0_2\mqx\source\bsp\twrk60f120m\init_sci.c defines the state of the UART peripherals in the different LPM operating modes. This file disables UART0 peripheral for ITTYA. If you want the MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER feature, then you will need to modify this file to keep UART0 enabled in the different power modes. You can refer to UART2 and UART5 in the same file to see an example for an enabled UART.
Refer to appnote AN4447 for more details on using LPM with peripheral drivers in MQX
Hi Daniel,
This is due to the UART driver settings for the LPM. The file \Freescale_MQX_4_0_2\mqx\source\bsp\twrk60f120m\init_sci.c defines the state of the UART peripherals in the different LPM operating modes. This file disables UART0 peripheral for ITTYA. If you want the MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER feature, then you will need to modify this file to keep UART0 enabled in the different power modes. You can refer to UART2 and UART5 in the same file to see an example for an enabled UART.
Refer to appnote AN4447 for more details on using LPM with peripheral drivers in MQX
Hi Derek,
I changed it and now it works.
Could you gives some points how could I use PTD0 for LLWU in MQX?
I read AN4447 and AN4503, but they are not clear.
Thank you.