I'm writing the second boot loader for LPC54101. When it jumps from boot to application, the SPI DMA interrupt never fired again, but other interrupts such as tick did. The boot and application use the SPI DMA initialization codes.
The jump codes are below.
void jumpToUserApp( void )
USER_ENTRY_PFN user_entry;
user_entry = (USER_ENTRY_PFN)*((uint32_t*)(APP_IMAGE_START + 4));
// stop all interrupts
__set_MSP(*(uint32_t *)APP_IMAGE_START); // load stack pointer with initial value
The SPI DMA initialization codes:
// Config SPI
spi_slave_config_t slaveConfig;
slaveConfig.sselPol = (spi_spol_t)kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.enableTxFifo = true;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.enableRxFifo = true;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.txFifoSize = 3;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.rxFifoSize = 3;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.txFifoThreshold = 3;
slaveConfig.fifoConfig.rxFifoThreshold = 3;
SPI_SlaveInit(SPI0, &slaveConfig);
// Config DMA
DMA_EnableChannel(DMA0, 9);
DMA_EnableChannel(DMA0, 8);
DMA_SetChannelPriority(DMA0, 9, kDMA_ChannelPriority0);
DMA_SetChannelPriority(DMA0, 8, kDMA_ChannelPriority1);
DMA_CreateHandle(&s_slaveTxHandle, DMA0, 9);
DMA_CreateHandle(&s_slaveRxHandle, DMA0, 8);
//DMA_EnableChannelPeriphRq( DMA0, 8 );
//DMA_EnableChannelPeriphRq( DMA0, 9 );
NVIC_SetPriority(DMA0_IRQn, 2);
// Create handle for slave instance
SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI0, &s_slaveHandle, SPI_SlaveUserCallback, NULL, &s_slaveTxHandle, &s_slaveRxHandle);
// Set slave transfer ready to receive/send data
s_xfer.txData = (uint8_t*) &s_txSpiCmd;
s_xfer.rxData = (uint8_t*) &s_rxSpiCmd;
s_xfer.dataSize = 3;
// Start SPI
SPI_SlaveTransferDMA(SPI0, &s_slaveHandle, &s_xfer);
I see that you disable all interrupts, did you enable it back?
Best Regards,
Hi Aldo,
Thanks for your reply. I did enable it back, but it didn't work. Now I found that it was caused by DMA. When SPI DMA mode was disabled and only SPI interrupt was enabled, it worked properly. However I don't know the root cause. It was easy to reproduce. You can a simple DMA SPI slave application with FreeRTOS and jumps to itself after first run. The DAM interrupt works in the first time and doesn't after jumping.
sorry for the delay,
Could you share your test code?
If not a good idea would be de initialize the DMA and re initialize it.