Does anyone have any recomendations on a toolchain (IDE + Compiler + RTOS + Debug Tool) for the Kinetis processors that they are happy with? I plan to work on a custom board. Something that I could get started with for cheap and then pay more later as I need more capability would be preferred. Codewarrior and CodeSourcery are pretty appealing there. And of course something that is easy to get started with would also be good. I don't need a TCPiP stack, but I do need USB Device.
CodeWarrior is certainly a good option. The code-size limited version (Special Edition) is free. You can try out the full version with the 30-day license that comes with it and you can go into your license account on and automatically up it to a 90-day license if needed.
Freescale MQX RTOS is a complimentary solution with a comprehensive USB stack. Also check out the stand-alone USB stack from Freescale. It is (poorly) named "USB Stack with PHDC Support". Kinetis support was introduced in version 3.0 and the class support is quite comprehensive. Check it out here:
I've attached the readme.txt file which contains the release notes so you can see what is currently supported for Kinetis and what isn't.
Thanks mnormam.
Assuming that I go with Code Warrior and MQX, what debug tool would you suggest that integrates easily with CW? And if I wanted trace capability (probably not needed initially), what tool then?
The uTasker project also includes USB device support for the Kinetis (CDC - the most popular communication class - and MSD).
Its project includes compiler builds for CW10.1, IAR6, uVision4, GCC and Rowley Crossworks V2.1 so is essentially tool-independent.
It includes a real-time Kinetis simulator for more efficient development - allowing development and test in VisualStudio environment (USB is an exception since it can't be simulated directly but can still be used for development and verification using simulation scripts).
More details in this forum here: