I am setting few portlines GPIO mux and enabling internal pulldown. I want this GPIO lines to remain low till externally pulled high.But when GPIO lines pulled high externally and try to read the values the process goes to hardset faults.
My MCU is k64
PORTC->PCR[8] = 0x102;
PORTC->PCR[9] = 0x102;
PORTC->PCR[10] = 0x102;
PORTC->PCR[11] = 0x102;
PORTC->PCR[12] = 0x102;
PORTC->PCR[13] = 0x102;
This are the commands I am using to enable internal pulldowns and set it as GPIOs.
I have enabled the clock but still the hardset fault is occuring
I think that you need to show the complete code in order for the cause to be visible if you are sure that clocks are enabled.
Kinetis for professionals: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html
K64 for professionals: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-K64F.html / http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/TWR-K64F120M.html
It sounds as though you have forgotten to enable the clock to the port in SIM_SCGC5 (bit 0x00000800 for PORT C).