does any body know of a good example of porting .Net micro Frameworks to the Kinetis Family of microcontrollers?
I am asking the same question.
.Net micro framework is very interesting Tiny CLC.
Since there are many ARM7 ports and just a few ARM Cortex ports.
Who ever ports .Net micro framework to Kinetis and the tower system
would be the next embedded hero.
Pleat let me know if there is a tutorial on where to start.
>would be the next embedded hero.
I doubt it. I see no real value in using 32-bit 150MHz CPU to run like 10MHz 8-bit processor, devoting 50+% of CPU and RAM resources for CLR itself.
Official .net micro pages says:
The .NET Micro Framework is a fully integrated Visual Studio experience brings a reliable and productive development system to the embedded world
but IMO there are other tools designed for embedded development - not everything can be done Microsoft way :smileyhappy:
I am considering doing the NMF port to the K60.
I think the framework has a valid place in embedded development. I've developed in assembly, C, C++ and C#. Each level upward offers greater abstraction, easier-to-use libraries/classes, and increased error handling. In other words, I can do something in C# faster, and more robustly, than I can in C.
And consider how it can benefit smaller companies with 1-10 programmers. One person can develop the embedded code for some PC-connected embedded device and also develop the PC GUI to interface with it. He/she uses the same Visual Studio for both. Many programmers that want to expand their usefulness and skills would love to add embedded work to their resume.
And consider that C# Express is a free tool that does absolutely everything you need.
I am considering Kinetis family for a new product. We have an existing product that uses .net micro framework to great advantage. I would be interested to know if there has been any progress made on porting .net micro framework to Kinetis family.
I've have a basic Kinetis port up & running (use at your own risk!). Only supports the following currently:
Its on codeplex here: http://kinetismf.codeplex.com/