Is it possible to send an ACK to the slave using the LPI2C of KL28 ?
I am trying to interface pn532 to KL28. The below line i use to read the response from the pn532.
stat = LPI2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataBlocking(INST_LPI2C1, rxbuffer, 256, true, OSIF_WAIT_FOREVER);
The above statement works.
Instead of reading 256 bytes every-time i would like to read byte by byte and stop when the read bytes equal to
the length that was received in the response header.
E.g (probed from analyzer) What i would like to do is this - Get length in red and read only those many bytes in black bold
Start, h48 [ h24 | WR ], h00, h00, hFF, h02, hFE, hD4, h02, h2A, h00, Stop [GetFirmwareVersion]
Start, h49 [ h24 | RD ], h01, h00, h00, hFF, h00, hFF NAK, Stop [ACK]
Start, h49 [ h24 | RD ], h01, h00, h00, hFF, h06, hFA, hD5, h03, h32, h01, h06, h07 NAK, Stop [Response]
Instead of reading worst case 256 bytes for every command (from KL28)
Start, h48 [ h24 | WR ], h00, h00, hFF, h02, hFE, hD4, h02, h2A, h00, Stop
Start, h49 [ h24 | RD ], h01, h00, h00, hFF, h00, hFF NAK, Stop
Start, h49 [ h24 | RD ], h01, h00, h00, hFF, h06, hFA, hD5, h03, h32, h01, h06, h07, hE8, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00, h00 NAK, Stop
I do not want to hard code/keep track of the response length of every command as i am going to be using indataexchange where the data length may vary (less than 256B) and reading 256 bytes each time will not be efficient.
I have successfully implemented the same with the IIC peripheral of KW31Z which has ACK bit generation feature. Just wondering if it is possible with LPI2C...
KL28's LPI2C module is different with KW31's I2C module. It send ACK automatically in master mode.
Thanks Jing. Also i guess once you program the MTDR with a receive command and number of bytes you cannot change the receive size until after the stop command. right ? I get a fifo error if i try doing so apparently because the master is busy and the lpi2c requires that a start be sent before writing to the MTDR...
if you want to stop a polling mode transfer, you can call LPI2C_MasterStop(). If you want to terminate a transfer in non-blocking mode, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.