We are using MK10DX256xxx7 controllers. and We use Rowley cross works IDE for programming.
We want to use 1.2V Internal VREF for ADC.
As per datasheet,we tried setting ADC_SC2->REFSEL
we probed VREF_OUT pin using Oscilloscope, but no voltage got generated.
Please guide us to generate internal 1.2V VREF.
Please share any code or schematics for reference.
Sarathkumar S
#Internal Verf
Hello ssarathkumar916@gmail.com
I suggest you to leave the bit REFSEL of the register ADC_SC2 as 0x01.
For the VREF status a control register please set 0x01 at the following bits: VREFEN, REGEN, ICOMPEN and MODE_LV.
Please let me know if this is helpful.
Best regards,