I used pin NMI(PTA4) of KL16 is pin TSI have problem? Can someone explain to me? Thanks.
Hi Hoang Nguyen,
The PTA4 is default as NMI_b function, driving the NMI_b signal low forces a non-maskable interrupt.
If you want to use PTA4 as TSI function, please disable NMI function by clearing NMI_DIS.
Please refer: Disabling NMI using the FOPT register (on KL17).
Best Regards,
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Hi Robin_Shen,
I disabled the PTA4 pins as you said, but the problem I encountered was that the chip KL measured different capacitance values when using external crystals and internal reference clock. When using an external crystal, the chip is warmed up because the heat will measure the capacitance value wrongly than using internal reference clock. There will be no change in capacitance between touch and no touch. Please explain to me. Thanks you.
Best Regards,
Hoang Nguyen