How to interface Networking Interfaces on to Freescale Freedom.

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How to interface Networking Interfaces on to Freescale Freedom.

Contributor III

How to interface, wither a Ethernet or a Wireless Module to FRDM-KL25Z Board, and can you please tell me which modules will be good and cheep to buy as its my hobby project.

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9 返答(返信)

Contributor V


Avnet's "Wi-Go" expansion board for Freescale's FRDM-KL25Z Kinetis-L Freedom board provides 802.11bg Wi-Fi plus multiple sensors, SPI flash memory and 800mAh Li-Poly battery for extended use portable operation.

More details available here:

Avnet Wireless DataLogger Workshop board.JPG



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Contributor III

Hey Thanks For a Quick Reply But i was wondering as FRDM KL25Z Board runs Arduino Compatable Shields, so how does that work ,  like do we have some libraries or what ?

and i visited Arduino Shield List and there were Ethernet as well as ZigBee Shields Available so how to go about with that do you know ant tutorial regarding interfacing Shields .. :smileyhappy:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :-) :smileyhappy: :smileyhappy: 

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Contributor V


Take a look at Freescale's Sample code package for FRDM-KL25Z board  that you can download from the following page:
FRDM-KL25Z Product Summary Page (KL25_SC.exe)

You will find both "Bare-Metal" and PExDS projects in the 32MB download (installed size is ~101 MB)

Bare-Metal projects make use of a "software framework" provided by Freescale for Kinetis-L,  both IAR and KEIL projects are provided.

Processor Expert (PExDS) projects also include multiple examples with sample code (including example using MQX-lite)


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Senior Contributor III

Yes, but just so there is no misunderstanding there still is no support for "Wi-Go" or any other network solution in a shield form. Avnet should create a PE "bean" for it. The big lesson from Arduino (and Raspberry Pi)  that everyone seems to miss is that it's all about the software support.

As it stands, this board is really not for hobbyists software wise.

Nor is there a "wiring" framework for Freedom.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

1.  Hey Thanks For the Help Jim, some last Doubt's , so in that case i may have a chance to interface Zigbee Shields(3.3v) on to freedom board via SPI/etc. Are FRDM Pins 5V tolrent.

2.  Do we have an open source setup for FRDM KL25Z M0+ (As there is no wiring support) do we have any toolchain support for this board or any way we can set up GCC toolchaoin on Linux .

3.  So what according to you is a easy way of implementing Networking Interface to this board.

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Senior Contributor III

- You don't really need to look to open source - the free limit for Kinetis is something like 128K for the Special Edition (free) so I don't think that will be an issue. Eclipse is open source as is the ARM GCC compiler, but you really want the debugger. It appears that support for Linux has been dropped in 10.3, sorry but Freescale has to make money, and I'll be willing to bet they did not sell any Linux licenses. Note that the Eclipse used has special plugins from freescale.

- The toolchain will work on Linux, however good luck on getting GDB to talk to the BDM (JTAG). On the other hand, on of the big fails of Arduino is debugging on any platform, so perhaps this is not an issue for you.

- The Zigbee Shield does run on 3.3V and it uses the serial port, so there should not be an issue. YHou have to understand that there are two levels of drivers - above the actual serial port code, you need to driver the zigbee module, but this is pretty simple and you could look on the Arduino code for this.

Linux has very little professional level support for MCU's, so I use Windoze for this. But I do it for fame and fortune (and fun) so I must have a source level debugger. Generally, freescale supports Linux when it make commercial sense to, and is a member of Linaro and the Linux foundation.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Thanks Jim, I guess That will be a perfect Start For Me ..

I personally think Open-Source Makes a great start for hobbyists and is a collaborative future.

Thanks, again.

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Contributor III

Although if in case i found  GCC ARM Embedded in Launchpad page which do have a support for Cortex M0+ and the tool chain has an GDB H/W Debugger , well i tried it with STM 32 Family and it works f9 lets see whether we can set it up on this board and over this - Coocox RTOS guys are up on writing libraries for Arduino Compatable Shields on FRDM KL25Z which according to me are AWESOMMMEEE as this will really Boost up prototyping and will encourage Hobbyists to incorporate this board in their projects.

Thanks for help. Everyone :smileyhappy:  You Guys ROCK :smileycool::smileywink:

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Senior Contributor III

>But i was wondering as FRDM KL25Z Board runs Arduino Compatable Shields,

Mostly no, unless they are 3.3V compatible.

>like do we have some libraries or what ?

Nothing like Arduino. For the most part, this board is supported by Processor Expert.

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