I cannot find any documentation for getting started beyond creating a new project with KDS 3.2.0. Everything online is for older versions and include steps using processor expert. When I create a new project I get no option to use processor expert so I am unable to follow any guides.
I am not new to embedded programming but I am new to Kenetis and FDRM boards. I can find no reference material for how to even work with pins or registers.
Sorry if I have missed something
Thanks for your help
Hi m.lee23,
Documentation for getting started: "How to start with KSDK" .
"KDS Document List" includes all the documents in the NXP community Kinetis Design Studio space.
Best Regards,
Builds with KDS (or CW, S32, IAR, Keil, Atollic, Rowley, Green Hills, CooCox, GCC, VS) - including (approx.) real-time K64 simulator.
Documents, videos and tutorials to start and finish any project faster and more reliably (with compatibility across Kinetis devices in case the processor is changed in the future).
KDS starting guide: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/compilers.html#KDS
Importing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBbiw36Caq4&feature=youtu.be (shows CW but KDS is essentially identical)