Hi, I was wondering if and how to brake the freescale cup car. Is there some sort of "eddy current brake" or "short brake" capabilities? If so, what code do I need to use to brake the car. I have gone over the tutorial for the freecale cup car and there is nothing about braking (https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-93914#jive_content_id_Code_Examples ). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi guys,
I am wondering if one ever thought the pinning of the TFC-Shield can be a bit inconvenient. When you wanna add some other sensors, then the camera clock blocks the UART1/I2C1 and the hall sensors block the UART0. So for example when you wanna add the gyro and magnetometer of the BRKT-STBC-AGM01 the you have a problem. Moreover, if you wanna work with Simulink then UART0 is used by the external mode.
So I was wandering if anybody has the same issue and if there will be a new version of the TFC-Shield available or if anyone is interested to design an updated version. We would be very interested to add a gyro and magnetometer as well, since we design an IMU for the car. I have attached a pic which provides information about our desired pinning.
Hi Tim,
the simplest way to brake the DC brushed motor is to load them by driver (full-bridge MC33887). Simply short circuit two DC motor lines by switch on both bottom full-bridge power MOSFETs. Simply set both outputs to zero.
I think it will help you.
Best Regards,