For KL25Z we can find the status of low Voltage and Low Voltage Warning using PMC_LVCSC1 and PMC_LVDSC2 registers. But is there any register which can directly give the available input volatge...?
Hi Hui_Ma,
Thanks for your replay. The table which you had mentioned in the data sheet can be used to set the predefined Low voltage detect and Low Voltage Warning thresholds. so that we can enable the interrupts or we can poll to check whether the particular thresholds are reached. But what i am looking for is when ever i need to check the input voltage, is there any register which gives me the voltage .
I am not sure the input voltage will connect to KL25 which module. If connect to GPIO input pin, you can check the Port Data Input Register (GPIOx_PDIR) about input voltage is high or low.
If you want to get the exactly value of input voltage, the ADC module could help. The ADC module will compare the input voltage with VREFH and VREFL voltage to get the input voltage value.
Wish it helps.
best regards,
Ma Hui