What are the possible causes of start bit not being generated in I2C using MK60DX256VLL10 though the same code is running fine when using TWR-K60D100M. In my own PCB, MK60DX256VLL10 drives PCA9698 using I2C but could not get it to work becaue microcontroller is not able to generate start bit. When I use I2C signals of TWR-K60D100M (in which accelerometer is being controlled using I2C) to connect to PCA9698, PCA9698 starts working because now the start bit is being generated. Is there any I2C specific setting to initiate in my controller MK60DX256VLL10 ( some settings to initiate I2C or something like that which is not mentioned in manuals) beacuse I am sucessfully using this controller on my same PCB to make use of its GPIO and CAN ports?
Hope you are well. I think this issue was solved in this community post: https://community.nxp.com/t5/Kinetis-Microcontrollers/I2C-start-condition-issue/td-p/1298650
If you have more questions do not hesitate to ask me.
Best regards,