In our FRDMKL-25Z board unfortunately PK20DX128VFM5 IC was damaged, If it is possible to replace the new IC.suppose i can replace that IC,it will work normally or not.
Otherwise your side you feed any firmware for that IC.Please inform me.
Possible: yes.
But it might not be worthwile?
The K20 on it has a special firmware burned in with a bootloader from P&E. That firmware is not available. So if you put a new K20 on your board, you will need to re-program it with a bootloader, but it won't be the same as you have right now.
An alternative bootloader would be to use the one used on the K20 on the FRDM-K64F board.
See OpenSDAv2
But you need to keep in mind that you will need the matching firmware (P&E, Segger, CMSIS-DAP) for it.
At the end, it will be much cheaper and easier if you just buy a new FRDM-KL25Z? you still can use the KL25Z on your board I guess, simply use a P&E Multilink or a Segger, or use a second FRDM board to debug it through the SWD header.
PK20DX128VFM5 with bootloaded is available or not
It is not available with a bootloader. You will need to program it on it.
Yes i want to program that IC for OpenSDA
You need a SWD/JTAG programmer (like P&E Multilink or Segger J-Link) plus the firmware files from OpenSDAv2