Hello, I am trying to use TWR-K60D100M with TWR-SER boards and running an example code for Ethernet on it. But I am unable to run the code as it is going in the Debug Halt. I am new to the Tower board , can anyone help me out with this issue?
Also would like to share that,
I am using code warrior version 10.3 with TWR-K60D100M and trying to run the example code of Ethernet which is for TWR-K60N512 board .
I am able to run the example ethernet code on the TWR-K60D100M with TWR-SER. But the example code was for internal loop back. So, now I am not getting how to test this code for sending some data to another node(or PC). And also how will I be able to see the received data on the console of destination node.
Can anyone help me out with this?
Hello Abhay,
I suggest you to use Freescale MQX RTOS.
Freescale MQX™ RTOS a full-featured complimentary real-time operating system including the MQX™ Kernel, TCP/IP stack (RTCS), embedded MS-DOS file system (MFS), USB host/device stack, and more. The MQX™ multitasking kernel provides pre-emptive scheduling, fast interrupt response, extensive inter-process communication and synchronization facilities. MQX RTOS includes its own peripheral drivers.
You can download it, at the next link:
Freescale MQX™ Software Solutions|Freescale
After install MQX, you can find some demo examples using Ethernet that you can use as reference.
Have a great day,
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