I'm making an interface that requires a clock signal output that is 16x the UART baud rate (9600) which puts me at 153.6 kHz.
I was trying to generate this on the clock out pin but it doesn't seem mathematically possible.
What other options do i have besides just hitting a gpio port?
This is on a MKE18F
A Flex Timer may be possible if you have a source that it can use to derive the exact frequency.
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- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KE15Z.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/TWR-KE18F.html
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Is there any option that doesnt require adding an additional source?
I dont want to add any more components to the board.
I am running the external 8mhz clock but that's it.
The FTM can be clocked from various sources:
If you can generate 9600 Baud on the LPUART (with the same clock sources) a x16 clock will also be possible with the same resolution.