Is there a document on how to setup KDS on linux? I have KDS 3.2.0 installed. But cant get it to talk to the board(TWR-KL43Z48M) I have. I have tried copying the "hello_world.bin" to sda memory. I do not get the ttyACM0 interface anymore and not sure where the look for the output. I am guessing, I should modify one of the Debugconfiguration. But not sure how.
Can somebody please help?
Many Thanks,
For anyboady who is stuck, with the same problem, managed to get the KDS debugger running using the following 2 links
Download the CMSIS-DAP Debug Application for OpenSDAv1 bin from
OpenSDA Serial and Debug Adapter|NXP
Follow the instructions for KDS in
Oddly, I cant just run the application. But has to use the debug option within KDS.