I have a board with KL17-64 installed and it was working all fine until accidentally flashed am image for KL17-128 into it.
Now the I2C communication channel is broken, always returning -EIO. I am trying to recover the board from ROMBOOT with BOOTCONFIG0 set to low "0" and reset the MCU chip, but it fails boot to ROMBOOT.
I guess the BCA configuration is messed up.
Please anyone can help me with this issue? any suggestions?
Hi Jing,
Thanks for following up with me.
I got a debugger card: MCU-LINK, and installed the latest firmware for it.
But our target board has KL17 MCU, no USB interface. We need hardware team to help wiring out the SWD pins for me, which is in progress.
As this is first time using a debugger card, I wondering if it still works if my target board's MCU is HALT or DEAD.
I've searched around, found this page for debugger commands:
Can you please suggest any other web pages I should look into and the command sequence to run?
To unlock kinetis by MCU-Link, you can use MCUXpresso IDE.
Thanks Jing for the suggestion!
Yes, A debugger should be able to erase or fix the BCA and bring it back to ROM boot.
I'll looking for a debugger and give it a try.
Hi Shumei,
Can you use debugger to erase flash?