I have been having trouble using sprintf for floats.
I read all of the posts I could find on the topic and failed to resolve the problem.
I am using KDS 3.2 with processor expert with a K26F processor.
The current state of my program is as follows:
when I call
sprintf((char*)s,"Event;\t %f\r\n ",1.5);
from main.c, It works fine.
The exact call from a .cpp file results in a hard fault.
I have several other uses of sprintf with integers, without any problems.
Please note that I have already tried the following (this is the current state of my project):
1. Enlarging the heap and stack.
2. In the cross ARM C++ Linker settings, I checked
"use float with nano printf (-u _printf_float)" and "use float with nano scanf (-u _scanf_float)"
3. In Cross ARM C Compiler Preprocessor definitions I defined "PRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE=1" and "SCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE=1".
4. Called the following after startup:
void vPortEnableVFP(void) {
/* The FPU enable bits are in the CPACR. */
__asm volatile (
" ldr.w r0, =0xE000ED88 \n" /* CAPCR, 0xE000ED88 */
" ldr r1, [r0] \n" /* read CAPR */
" orr r1, r1, #(0xf<<20) \n" /* Enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors */
" str r1,[r0] \n" /* store to new value back */
: /* no output */
: /* no input */
: "r0","r1" /* clobber */
Do you have any further suggestions?
It might be related to your heap/stack allocation (see FreeRTOS, malloc() and SP check with GNU Tools | MCU on Eclipse ) as depending on your library usage (newlib or newlib-nano) it will use malloc(), and if the heap is misplaced.
I quickly tried to reproduce what you say, but it worked for me. Attached is a project for the FRDM-K64F, just in case you spot the difference to your setup.
I hope this helps,