|------------| |------------|
|------------| Gpio ---------------------->PTC0 |------------| (Wating for Faling Edge) (Ext Interrupt)
Salve Device Master Device(K32L Series Controller)
Currently am Facing the issue Read the interrupt Signal but our Controller not Capture the interrupt signal ,but we are Probe the Interrupt line Via CRO Slave Device generate the Interrupt signal But Our Microcontroller not capture the interrupt signal. and Timer 2 Also we Configure but That also Not set the status Bit so its not go for the handler function. main issue is the interrupt status Register is Not set at get the interrupt signal. so our IDE is not go for the Handler functions. actually Your Suspecting on the Firmware configuration side but Same Code we are interface with Same controller and same pin Configuration hardware That time is Working properly, But Both are Different Sematic, Run on Same Range Crystal oscillator. At the time we are suspecting the hardware side, the hard ware is done the Same interrupt pin done the digital Read and Write also
Main Issue: Any interrupt its get not Set the Status bit so our Ide not execute the interrupt handler but firmware side is fine and Hardware also fine
Thanks and regards,
Vignesh kumar M