How can I trigger the ADC12 with a Timer? I Can't find the dubious SYNC1 signal. (MC56F84769)
The manual says: Use a SYNC1 input pulse or CTRL2[START1] bit to initiate a B converter parallel scan.
So what is SYNC1, a input pin, a interprocess signal and where can I find it?
As MR Matthias Uhlmann says, the ADC sync1 signal can be routed from crossbar. Pls refer to section XBARA Outputs in MC56F847xxRM, the XBAR_OUT12 is ADC12 Sync0 signal, you can use crossbar to route a signal in section XBARA and XBARB Inputs to the XBAR_OUT12.
this is a code of setting the crossbar:
PWMA_SM0TCTRL|=0x01; //enable value0 of PWMA_SM0 module to trigger ADC12
XBARA_SEL6=20; //PWMA_SM0_TRIG0 signal is XBAR_IN20, used to trigger ADC12 sync0
Hi Andreas,
SYNC1 is a input of the ADC Module and you can map several signals to this input by using XBAR.
=> Map XBAR Input of your timer you like to use to XBAR output of ADC trigger