Hi Daniel
Not sure if you can help me but I have a small problem with the above and just need some pointers to where to start looking.
I have built your board tbclf and downloaded the firmware to it that works a treat.The led on board lights up etc.
I have uninstalled the firmware and installed again and true to form it does exactly as it says on the tin.
The problem is with the target MCF5223 Processor.
I have built a prototype board with the proc on it and can not get the coldfire app v6.3 to talk to it.
It just keeps coming back unable to connect to target.If i unplug the usb to your board i get a diff message which means that part is working!!
I have pulled the jtag pin 12 to ground and it emits a clock freq ...looks like 25meg from the TCLK Pin 1 of the MCU.This is confusing because i though it was an input??
I have set the parameters for the gdi dll EXACTLY as u said.
But in codewarrior still the error message.
Probing the pins on the TBCLF board from the 20 pin micro reveals no real activity when you try to connect.
I pin goes low but not much else happens.
Tried resets etc but still no go.
What pins are crucial to this exchange.
How do i check the dll in windows is ok and communicating to the board ok ...although this does look ok.
Is it trying to connect to the target board?Maybe target broken?
Does jtag need to be low
Does the tclk need routing to the tbclf board although if i do this and jtag is low the clock output from pin 1 gets loaded
Not suer if you can help at all.
If you or anyone else for that matter can answer any questions or experienced similar problems please let me know.
I would be most grateful.