I downloaded the CF v7.0 Special Edition (128k limited) from the MCF54455x product page a couple of months ago, and have only recently tried to use it again. I can't compile - get an error message indicating that the license has expired. I never attempted to get a license upon installing this product. Now, if I go to the evaluation license page (License Activation System), there is no option for this product (CF only, "free" version). So... What do I need to do to get a license for this? Note: I mostly use the Linux development tool chain, but the Windows CF version is nice for some quick debugging, so I'd like to get this working again. When the MCF54455x EVB first came out, there was a link on the product page to the V7.0 CF version (under Current Updates & Releases). Now it appears the only way to get there is to go through the CW for CF page. There is an updated version (12/14/2007) of the SE which can be downloaded. Is this version really "free", forever, or is there a timeout?