Cat,I'm also confused.Why do this happen?I have request a technical request on freescale Web,but they don't give me proper solution.
First,I use the stand context save and restore code(isr_prologue and isr_epilogue) as the picture show(Before change.jpg),and I set a function in main(),the place I put the function is in while(1){ function(); }.but the function can't be went in.So I think maybe the context save is not proper and the ISR can't return where it go in.So I modify the isr_prologue and isr_epilogue to my own(after change.jpg) and use as style of asm{ my own isr_prologue and isr_epilogue} in my ISR (void __ext_int(void)),the place I set the asm{ my own isr_prologue and isr_epilogue} is shown as the picture attached below(Asm.jpg).And I egnore the error when making ,my program can go into the function(I set in while{}),but another question occur:my bin file can update when I change the code,so I try to delete the files in bin,but the codewarrior can't bulit the new file.That is question I asked.
Today I chage back to the system default(default.jpg) ,the bin file can update,but the former question will also occur.
I think my own isr_prologue and isr_epilogue may be right.Why I put the the code in different the place and the result is different?
I have another clue in Yahoogroup MPC500.When the system go in a function,it will creat a new stack,and the isr_prologue and isr_epilogue is also a stack,so maybe this two stacks miss up.
Cat,I'm very urgent about this question.and I spend many times on this.